James Bryington
James Bryington has hosted 235 episodes.
James is a pop-cultural icon, fashionista, comedian, pit master, rapper, fitness enthusiat, golf pro, film director, writer, basketball trick shotter, influencer, breakfast sandwich connoisseur, and most of that is in his own mind. The only option for James was to find an outlet to discuss his most favorite movies, shows, things and people, so that the world knows who, and what, to follow into the next age of popular culture. Hello Draft Podcast!
Andy Liner
Andy Liner has hosted 238 episodes.
Andy likes bopping his head to hip hop and watchin people get their heads bopped.
Andy loves all things pop culture, comedy, sports, hip hop, wrestling, and podcasting. His favorite time is the 90’s as he feels it’s a time where people just wanted to have some fun. Andy is an outside the box thinker who loves staying positive and making people laugh and smile. Sorry ladies, he’s wifed up and has a son, lil G Slay. He says the worst movie is better than the best book and you know what, we can’t argue it!
Drew Kistler
Drew Kistler has hosted 240 episodes.
Drew Kistler has watched every episode of Gilmore Girls, and in 2004 he once audited his friends Creative Writing class. For these two reasons, he claims to be an expert in all things Pop Culture. The legitimacy of his claims are put to the test every week on the The Draft Podcast.
F*ck Face
F*ck Face has hosted 112 episodes.
Fuck Face is a term of endearment at The Draft Podcast. It's what all of our beloved guests are reffered to as until their true names are revealed by Andy. It all started with a 1989 Fleer baseball card that pictured Billy Ripken, Cal Ripken Jr.'s brother, with the words "Fuck Face" written on the handle of the bat. All the big wigs at Fleer missed the marking and printed the card, scarring young baseball card collectors from here to the Mississippi, and placing young Fuck Face Bill in the hearts and minds of all of us at The Draft Pod. We honor Fuck Face, because we think it's hilarious. We love you Fuck Face! #FuckFace4Life