Episode 26

The Pauseable Moments Draft


August 28th, 2017

2 hrs 13 mins 19 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

On this episode of the Draft Pod we get downright dirty, because ‘Pausable Moments’ refers to that portion of an R-rated movie that you may pause the screen on so you can “take care of business”, “git-r-done” or “make the sad mushroom man cry his milky tears”.

You see, when we were kids moments like this were hard to come by. We didn’t have YouPorn or PornDump or DumpsterTrash, not sure if that last one is a thing. We had to stumble across a magazine in the woods or happen across the tote of VHS’s your recently deceased uncle left in his closet or slip an R-rated movie into the family stack at the rental store. Those are the moments we’re drafting here, the “Pausable Moments” that helped us become men.

It’s gross, it’s disgusting, it’s uncomfortable, but damn is it entertaining. Let us know whose team won @TheDraftPod on Twitter.